Saturday 14 April 2012

Save Water

AD for Bingo Chips.

Choose to save life.

The delicate topic of abortion remains unspoken about, as it talks about the choice of a woman against that of a defenseless being. Its a monstrosity and should be stopped. Be educated. Stay away from ever being faced with a choice you do not want to make.The following video is an attempt to make an ad on the subject.  

Its all the same.

Caged by the manipulation of diamond seeking devils
With a tongue of sweetened poison and rainbow tears of deception
Sucking knowledge piece by piece from the mosaic of my burning life
Guarded by the eyes of my sleepy mind.

The pixels of my desire form a beauty spinning a web
To strangle the dove which I so patiently raised
Beliefs are shot down by skeletons in armor
Leaning on shrines made by religious bombers.

The golden shark attacks the city of mirth
Extracting ecstasy off men ruled by the tetris of birth
The bigger players hide in bottles designed for their game
Pumping the weak up the hose of destruction like a snake.

The dream is changing as I face a golden dragon
Protecting the gates of a lost serene garden
The path of which will be found after finding a magic lamp lost in space
The probability of which is more than finding peace in the world of today.

The button of reality will open my eyes.
Alas! To the same place.


The leaves played stencil for the rays
As shadows danced on the ground
Forming patches of various contrasts
Shuffling at the touch of the wind.
The trees are deep in conversation
While the birds chirp in no unison
Creating a throng that can save a dying soul.
The soft murmur of the world
Had me too drowned to notice a serpent slithering
Lurking in the dancing colours of the day
Poisonous or not, only a bite will tell.
I don't even want to know.

It's quiet, it's beautiful and exceedingly calm
Even in the atrocious din of a busy city
Peace can be found in nature's heart
Far from the hustle of the main road
On the stairs of an empty home.

A creepy man walks silently to and fro; to and fro
It makes me uncomfortable how he stands and stares
As I decide to stand and leave
The spring cries a thousand tears.


While the mechanical roots of the world seep deeper
Into the system of nature's creation, rising up
Taking over the eyes to see the motorized civilization
Battling with the brain until it succumbs to logic
As emotion had long lost its war.

The child was smothered in the minds of men
Even before it was conceived in the womb of life
Drained of any energy that could achieve peace someday
Swallowed by knowledge used by corrupted imbeciles
High on the drug of pride.

Where the loyalty of dogs' cannot be trusted
In a world transcended by rotting fungus
Selling illusions of prosperity to the brains
That crave for dreams to satisfy their hunger
For the paradise is forever lost.

We live in a world where the space of thoughts is priced
Where a molded mind is everyone's birthright
Where even birds know no sky
A world between the clutches of mankind
Existence being the synonym of life.